Friday, September 30, 2011


Today, we still here cry after cry from the feminist community about sexism in the workplace and gender profiling by colleges and employers. People still believe that women are put down if they succeed, or are kept from making progress. But the truth is, that's just not the case anymore. Women have made leaps and bounds to equality since their "revolution" in the 1800's. But social norms have been confused with gender identification, and as a result, women are being led to think that they are oppress because they are in fact women. But that isn't necessarily true.
In modern society, employers take whoever can get the job done, male or female. It is because of the heightening awareness of this feminist view that a plead for equality has risen. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for equality among the sexes, but the fact is, that has been achieved. Sure, stereotypes still exist, but that's not likely to ever change. The nuclear family of the 20th century no longer exists. We have a women as Secretary of state. More women are graduating and going on to post-secondary education then men are. These are all pieces of evidence that come together to paint one big picture: men don't reign in this world anymore. Now more than ever, women are able to step up and aspire to be much more than any man. And that is exactly what's happening. There was a time when women couldn't vote. Now, they're running government. There was a time when women couldn't attend college. Now they're doing far better than men, education-wise. There was a time when women were expected to be be the stay-at-home mom. Now, families are based on the mothers paycheck. The paradigm of gender identity has become subject of a paradigm shift. The world has seen the ability of women. It's not a Man's world after all.


  1. Interesting, I agree with everything you've said. Its true, women have been able to achieve much more today than they have in the past. Equality is a good thing, but complaining about too much when we've come so far doesn't make much sense either....

    Still, sexism exists, and always will. In some places, women are still oppressed unfortunately.

  2. I agree with your post because women are achieving goals that they may not have been able to in the past, but it is being disguised by stereotypes and people are not realizing that these changes in having equality are happening. Good job!

  3. I love the way you made it clear that they aren't being oppressed, but are being led to believe that they are. I wish a feminist would ready this post (y)

  4. Great post! I agree with you 100% women have exceeded immensely in the past decades. :)

  5. An unexpected post by my enigmatic student!
